Accredited by Cognia

Mariya International schools is a British curriculum school and is accredited by Cognia an international accreditation board .

Mindscape fair

It’s our absolute pleasure to invite you to explore the wonders of science through brilliant projects by the students of Mriya international school Boys. Our students have put in a tremendous amount of effort and creativity into their projects and we are excited to share their work with you.

Day & Date : Saturday 6th May,2023

Timing : 06:00 PM -08:30 PM

Venue : Boys Section – Mariya international school

Ramadan Timing

Academic Year 2022/2023 Ramadan Timings

Grades 1-2-3

Grades 4-9

British Council Partner schools

Mariya international school – Jubail 

is the Eastern Province KSA winner in the British Council Partner schools 2022 worldwide competition.

Admission is open

Dear parents
Kindly note the Admission office & account Department will remain open during summer vacation from Sunday to Thursday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

The School Admin
اولياء الامور الكرام
نحيطكم علما بان قسم القبول والتسجيل وقسم المحاسبة متواجدون خلال العطلة الصيفية من يوم الاحد الى الخميس من الساعة ٩:٠٠ صباحا الى ٢:٠٠ ظهرا

ادارة المدارس

Saudi national day